Saturday, October 16, 2010

Time to Boil Water!

et me preface this post by explaining that I live in an apartment with three male roommates. Crazy? Perhaps. Honestly, though, they are cleaner than any girls with whom I've lived. An added benefit is that they are also far less hormonal. It's sort of like living with three big brothers. Being the oldest in my family, I think it's pretty neat to feel like the younger sibling for once.

Now, the thing about my roommates is that none of them really cook. The other day, one of the guys came home with the usual bag of premade, frozen dinner entrees. Normally, I don't judge them for their food preferences (no, really, I swear!) but this time was different. One of the food items my roommate brought back from the store was pasta....pasta that had already been cooked. It was vacuum packed into a clear baggie, ready to plop into a bowl and microwave. Or eat cold, if that's your thing. 

I will be the first to admit that I am not the most patient person this planet has to offer but I usually manage to wait fifteen minutes for my crappy electric stove to heat up a pot of water. And I can usually wait the extra 8 minutes for the pasta that has been added into that hot water to cook. Making pasta requires minimal effort. So, then why are we buying pasta that requires even less than minimal effort? Does it taste better? Definitely not (yes, I tried it). Does it look better? Certifiably no. Is it easier? Marginally so. 

So, this week I'm going to focus on quick and easy meals. Meals that are approachable. Meals that don't require fancy equipment or ingredients or a French vocabulary. Meals that are just as easy as boiling water. Maybe my roommates will even catch on....

Stay tuned for updates!

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